Millionaire! New, from Snooty Playthings! Third wife sold separately. Ross (to Monica): Hey, how'd the date go with Mr. Jennifer Milmore - Lauren (uncut episode) Some time later, Ross gives Rachel a box of her stuff - which includes the tiny T-shirt she loves so much.ĭavid Schwimmer - Ross Geller Supporting Cast Mark says it's okay and says he'd go home and 'get back at him by himself'. In the meantime, Rachel realizes she's just dating Mark to get back at Ross, while Mark suggests getting back at Ross on the couch, but Rachel rejects. He physically stops Ross, letting him realize that the Ross-Rachel relationship is truly over and that, in some way or another, he must find a way to move on. He comes up with the idea of borrowing juice from Rachel, which could've been a legitimate reason until Chandler tries to stop him at all costs. He tries to make up a reason to go into Rachel's apartment, hoping to stop whatever Rachel and Mark may be doing. Rachel lets Mark into her apartment, which makes Ross insane. He watches through the peephole for several hours until they finally arrive. Ross then stays in Chandler and Joey's apartment, waiting for Rachel and Mark to come back. When he sees Rachel leave the apartment the next time, she's leaving with Mark. Out of spite, Ross wears the T-shirt he hasn't worn since he was 15 and leaves her apartment in it. Ross acts out on this, and asks for a lot more of his stuff, including the tiny T-shirt she sleeps in. She calls Ross over to give him a box of his stuff, helping him "move on". Rachel ponders this but decides not to accept as she feels she would be cheating with Ross if she accepted. Mark meets Rachel at the coffeehouse and reveals that he's had a crush on her and that now that she's not with Ross anymore, he'd like to ask her out.

Joey denies this, but he works up his feelings and decides to ask her out, when the play director comes and takes Kate away from him - Joey then realizes that Kate is the director's girlfriend. Joey can't stand the woman, but Chandler really thinks that Joey has a crush on her and that the ridicule she's making him face just makes her a hard-to-get girl for him. Unfortunately for him, things don't start off too well with his co-actor Kate, who recognizes him from the MilkMaster informercial (from " The One With The Metaphorical Tunnel") and ridicules him with the others by making them ask him to open their milk cartons. Joey gets the part in a play he's been hoping to get. However, Pete is willing to stand this and keeps dating. Pete finally confronts her about this, and Monica admits the non-attractiveness she feels towards him. She can't even bring herself to kiss him (except on the cheek), but instead touches him with friendly moves like tousles and pats. Monica thinks Pete is great, except for one thing - she's not sexually attracted to him in any way.